Saturday, July 19

HD and HD! Yay!

Yay! I got High Distinctions for both Uni subjects (Introduction to Information Technology – D'uh; and Discrete Maths – a little more surprising) last session! (marks finally came through after nearly a month of waiting) So, uh, since I last posted, Ironically I drove my other car into a pole, destroying the driver's side door and seriously damaging the sill on the same side, and someone shot a red light and killed my mum's car while I was driving it. I've been to Brisbane and back, which wasn't terribly interesting, and just recently I got my full license, which means no more plates! Yay! Also eight more points and an alocohol limit of 0.05% blood concentration, but that matters to me not (I have never even had a parking ticket, and don't drive when I've been drinking).

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